Equipping Process

There is intention behind the way that we teach. We are not satisfied with just offering a taste of the supernatural and seeing a few people grasp it and run with it. While we understand that not everyone will occupy until He comes, many will, provided they are given the “how to’s.” There are a great number of saints who long to invest their lives in the kingdom. Precious few have had someone to come alongside them for the process. It is our heart’s desire to truly raise up people in the ways of Christ Jesus and the culture of heaven so that they can “Go, and declare the kingdom has come.” The traditions of man and the culture of the nations must bow their knee to the King and His culture.

“Why not here? Why not now? Why not me?” ~ Bill Johnson

Our process is an old one most commonly known as “The Five T’s”. The following concepts are the steps provided to bring learners into proficiency. In this way, we avoid leaving understanding to chance and take responsibility for our student’s outcome.

  1. Tell ~ Provide oral and written information about the topic, its Biblical foundation, history in the church and proper place in the church today. This information is infused with testimonies and expectation. It flows into, and intertwines with, step 2.
  2. Teach ~ Demonstrate the process. This is the visual “how-to” and begins to build confidence for the learner.
  3. Train ~ Activation. In this step, the learner puts physical action to what he has heard and seen. He acts according to the teaching, under the supervision of trained team members. This is a time for correction and encouragement as he continues to learn the mechanics of a new way to minister. Very often the learner is empowered as he experiences the power of God working through him. 
  4. Trust ~ The learner is released to “do” what he has been learning. Without direct oversight, he is free to minister as he has been taught.
  5. Translate ~ Debrief. The training is not complete without a time to discuss what worked well and what did not. In this step, the teacher must determine through conversation, if there is a need to return to one of the previous steps and work them again, to ensure proper proficiency for the learner.

“God is bigger than our mistakes.” ~ Randy Clark

The Lord is most kind and merciful. He regularly reveals His goodness in spite of our nervousness, lack of faith and general blunders. However, this grace and mercy are intended to draw us into greater compassion and a desire to demonstrate His love more fully. Just as grace is not a reason to sin, neither is grace a reason to be sloppy in our ministry.

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